Package net.ivoa.xml.vodataservice.v1

Class Summary
BaseParam As the parameter's data type is usually important, schemas normally employ a sub-class of this type (e.g.
Catalog A detailed description of a logically-related set of tables.
CatalogService A table with sky coverage typically have columns that give longitude-latitude positions in some coordinate system.
Coverage A description of how a resource's contents or behavior maps to the sky, to time, and to frequency space, including coverage and resolution.
DataCollection (A dataset is a collection of digitally-encoded data that is normally accessible as a single unit, e.g. a file.)
DataService A service for accessing astronomical data Java class for DataService complex type.
Format Java class for Format complex type.
InputParam The allowed data type names do not imply a size or precise format.
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the net.ivoa.xml.vodataservice.v1 package.
ParamHTTP Note that the URL for help with this service can be put into the Service/ReferenceURL element.
ServiceReference the service URL for a potentially registerd service.
SimpleDataType a simple data type that does not imply a size nor precise format.
StandardSTC This resource provides a mechanism for registering standard coordinate systems which other resources may reference as part of a coverage descripiton.
Table Java class for Table complex type.
TableDataType a (VOTable-supported) data type Java class for TableDataType complex type.
TableParam The allowed data type names match those supported by VOTable.
TableService This type differs from a CatalogService in that the table or tables do not have any inherent coverage of the sky.

Enum Summary
HTTPQueryType Java class for HTTPQueryType.
ParamUse Java class for ParamUse.
SimpleScalarDataType Java class for SimpleScalarDataType.
VOTScalarDataType Java class for VOTScalarDataType.
Waveband Java class for Waveband.

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