
Class Summary
AllSkyType AllSky type: just a shape without any child elements Java class for allSkyType complex type.
AstroCoordAreaType Astronomical area type Java class for astroCoordAreaType complex type.
AstroCoordsFileType Coordinate references to a specific FITS file Coordinate references to a specific FITS file Java class for astroCoordsFileType complex type.
AstroCoordsType The astronomical (STC) coordsType Java class for astroCoordsType complex type.
AstroCoordSystemType The astronomical coordinate system definition: spatial coordinate frame and reference position; time frame and reference position; the coordinate flavor; spectral frame and (optionally) Doppler frame; and the planetary ephemeris; an ID is required, since this is how coordinate elements are associated with their coordinate systems Java class for astroCoordSystemType complex type.
AstronTimeType astronTime is the generalized astronomical time type and consists of one, two, or three elements: optional TimeScale, optional relative time offset, and an absolute time (ISO8601 or a decimal JD or MJD; or it may be an IDREF to one of those three); TimeScale may be omitted only if the element is part of AstroCoords, referring to an AstroCoordSystem that specifies a TimeScale.
AstroSTCDescriptionType Type for generic astronomical STC metadata, in particular Resource Profile, Search Location, Catalog Entry.
BasicCoordinateType Single Error, Resolution, Size, PixSize elements indicate definite values; pairs indicate ranges Java class for basicCoordinateType complex type.
BoxType Box shape: a rectangle defined by its center and size on both dimensions; since it is a polygon, it is redundant, but simple rectangles with great circle sides are awkward to define in spherical coordinates Java class for boxType complex type.
Cart1DRefFrameType A custom space reference frame type defined through a 2-D Cartesian mapping (rotate and scale) Java class for cart1DRefFrameType complex type.
Cart2DRefFrameType A custom space reference frame type defined through a 2-D Cartesian mapping (rotate and scale) Java class for cart2DRefFrameType complex type.
Cart3DRefFrameType A custom space reference frame type defined through a 3-D Cartesian mapping (rotate and scale) Java class for cart3DRefFrameType complex type.
CircleType Circle shape: center and radius Java class for circleType complex type.
ConvexHullType A convex hull: the smallest convex polygon that contains all its points; in spherical coordinates all points have to be contained within a hemisphere Java class for convexHullType complex type.
ConvexType A convex polygon defined by one or more Constraints Java class for convexType complex type.
Coord2VecIntervalType 2-D coordinate interval type Java class for coord2VecIntervalType complex type.
Coord3VecIntervalType 3-D coordinate interval type Java class for coord3VecIntervalType complex type.
CoordAreaType Generalized coordinate area type Java class for coordAreaType complex type.
CoordFITSColumnsType Refers coordinate components to specific columns in the FITS file HDU Java class for coordFITSColumnsType complex type.
CoordFlavorType Provides the spatial coordinate definitions: number of axes, SPHERICAL, CARTESIAN, UNITSPHERE, POLAR, or HEALPIX, presence of velocities Java class for coordFlavorType complex type.
CoordFrameType A CoordFrame has to have at least an Id Java class for coordFrameType complex type.
CoordinateType Abstract coordinate type; a concrete Coordinate consists of a Value, Error, Resolution, Size, and PixSize Java class for coordinateType complex type.
CoordIntervalType Abstact coordinate interval type Java class for coordIntervalType complex type.
CoordRefFrameType A generic CoordReferenceFrame Java class for coordRefFrameType complex type.
CoordScalarIntervalType Scalar coordinate interval type Java class for coordScalarIntervalType complex type.
CoordsType The generic coordsType A CoordSys consists of at least one coordinate frames; unfortunately, schema inheritance and polymorphism doesn't allow us to specify this in the most genarl way Java class for coordsType complex type.
CoordSysType Coordinate system definition: a collection of coordinate frames A CoordSys consists of at least one coordinate frames; unfortunately, schema inheritance and polymorphism doesn't allow us to specify this in the most genarl way Java class for coordSysType complex type.
CoordValueType A type that just holds a 1-3D coordinate value; see comment in the CoordValue head element Java class for coordValueType complex type.
Curve2Type A curve in 2-D space, defined by its end points and a shape attribute (default: line or great circle) Java class for curve2Type complex type.
Curve3Type A curve in 3-D space, defined by its end points and a shape attribute (default: line or great circle) Java class for curve3Type complex type.
CustomRefPosType Type for custom positions: specifies reference origin Java class for customRefPosType complex type.
DiffType The difference of two regions (Region1 minus Region2) is a region; it is equivalent to the intersection of Region1 with notRegion2 Java class for diffType complex type.
Double1Type A double with referencing and units attributes Java class for double1Type complex type.
Double2Type A vector of 2 doubles; components are now separated.
Double3Type A vector of 3 doubles with separated components Java class for double3Type complex type.
Double4Type A vector of 4 doubles (2x2 matrix) Java class for double4Type complex type.
Double9Type A vector of 9 doubles (3x3 matrix) Java class for double9Type complex type.
EllipseType Ellipse shape: center, semi-major, semi-minor axis and position angle; in spherical coordinates defined as the shape cut out of the sphere by a cone with elliptical cross-section Java class for ellipseType complex type.
FitsType Specifies a FITS file and optionally a specific HDU by HDU number or HDU name Java class for fitsType complex type.
FkType FK[45] type: needs an equinox Java class for fkType complex type.
GenericCoordFrameType Java class for genericCoordFrameType complex type.
GenericRefPosType Type for custom positions: specifies reference origin Java class for genericRefPosType complex type.
GenVector2CoordinateType Single CError2, CResolution2, CSize2, CPixSize2 elements indicate definite values; pairs indicate ranges Java class for genVector2CoordinateType complex type.
GenVector3CoordinateType Single CError3, CResolution3, CSize3, CPixSize3 elements indicate definite values; pairs indicate ranges Java class for genVector3CoordinateType complex type.
GeodType The Geodetic reference frame; semi-major axis and inverse flattening may be provided to define the reference spheroid; the default is the IAU 1976 reference spheroid Java class for geodType complex type.
HalfspaceType An area on the unit sphere defined by the intersection with a plane Java class for halfspaceType complex type.
HealpixType 2-D Healpix coordinates; defaults for H(4) and K(3) Java class for healpixType complex type.
IcrsType ICRS type: no equinox Java class for icrsType complex type.
IntersectionType The intersection of two or more regions is a region Java class for intersectionType complex type.
IsoTimeType ISO8601 time; note: only a limited subset of ISO 8601 is allowed: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss...; unfortunately, XSchema does not allow hh, mm, or ss to be optional, ".ss" is.
JdTimeType A decimal type for JD and MJD, with optional referencing Java class for jdTimeType complex type.
NegationType The negation of a region is a region Java class for negationType complex type.
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
ObsDataLocationType Type for observational STC metadata Java class for obsDataLocationType complex type.
ObservatoryLocationType Type for an observatory location Java class for observatoryLocationType complex type.
OrbitType Orbit defined by six orbital elements and optional mean anomaly and period; note that the epoch of periapsis or of mean anomaly is provided by T, however, an coordinate epoch should be provided by paring this element with a time instant element Java class for orbitType complex type.
OrbitType.A Java class for anonymous complex type.
OrbitType.Aop Java class for anonymous complex type.
OrbitType.I Java class for anonymous complex type.
OrbitType.M Java class for anonymous complex type.
OrbitType.Node Java class for anonymous complex type.
OrbitType.P Java class for anonymous complex type.
OrbitType.Q Java class for anonymous complex type.
PixelCoordAreaType Pixel area type Java class for pixelCoordAreaType complex type.
PixelCoordsType The pixel coordinates type Java class for pixelCoordsType complex type.
PixelCoordSystemType The pixel coordinate system definition Java class for pixelCoordSystemType complex type.
PixelFrameType A pixel coordinate frame (which may be 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D) consists of a coordinate frame, a reference position, a flavor, a reference pixel array and the order in which the pixel axes appear in the pixel array Java class for pixelFrameType complex type.
PixelSpaceType Type to specify a pixel space Java class for pixelSpaceType complex type.
PixelType A type that just holds a 1-3D pixel value Java class for pixelType complex type.
PixelVector1CoordinateType Scalar pixel coordinate type Java class for pixelVector1CoordinateType complex type.
PixelVector2CoordinateType 2-D pixel coordinate type Java class for pixelVector2CoordinateType complex type.
PixelVector3CoordinateType 3-D pixel coordinate type Java class for pixelVector3CoordinateType complex type.
PolygonType Polygon: one or more vertices; counter-clockwise (as seen from "inside" or from "top") encircled area is enclosed; sides should span less than 180 deg in each coordinate if spherical; a polygon may not intersect itself Java class for polygonType complex type.
Pos2VecIntervalType 2-D coordinate interval type Java class for pos2VecIntervalType complex type.
Pos3VecIntervalType 3-D coordinate interval type Java class for pos3VecIntervalType complex type.
PosAngleType Position angles are doubles and include optionally a unit attribute (default deg) and a reference attribute (default X) Java class for posAngleType complex type.
PosScalarIntervalType Scalar coordinate interval type Java class for posScalarIntervalType complex type.
PosVector1CoordinateType Single Error, Resolution, Size, PixSize elements indicate definite values; pairs indicate ranges Java class for posVector1CoordinateType complex type.
PosVector2CoordinateType Single CError2, CResolution2, CSize2, CPixSize2 elements indicate definite values; pairs indicate ranges Java class for posVector2CoordinateType complex type.
PosVector3CoordinateType Single CError3, CResolution3, CSize3, CPixSize3 elements indicate definite values; pairs indicate ranges Java class for posVector3CoordinateType complex type.
RedshiftCoordinateType Redshift coordinate type Java class for redshiftCoordinateType complex type.
RedshiftFrameType Contains the Doppler definitions, including whether the values are velocity or redshift (value_type) Java class for redshiftFrameType complex type.
RedshiftIntervalType Contains a 1-D redshift interval; position and time units are required if redshifts are expressed as Doppler velocities Java class for redshiftIntervalType complex type.
ReferencePositionType Abstract type for reference positions Java class for referencePositionType complex type.
RegionAreaType Element to hold the area of a Region, once calculated; the element holds the actual area, linearAreaUnit the linear units of the of the area (i.e., it should be squared to get the proper units of the area), and validArea indicates whether the area has been calculated properly.
RegionFileType Points to a Region file Java class for regionFileType complex type.
RegionType Abstract region type; a Region is a Shape or the result of a Region Operation involving one or more Regions Java class for regionType complex type.
ScalarCoordinateType Generic scalar coordinate type: a basic scalar coordinate with units Java class for scalarCoordinateType complex type.
SectorType A sector is the counter-clockwise area between two half-lines Java class for sectorType complex type.
ShapeType Shape is the abstract type that is the building block of regions; in real life it needs to be replaced by a concrete shape Java class for shapeType complex type.
Size2Type Consists of a Size (2 doubles) and optional position angle element Java class for size2Type complex type.
Size3Type Consists of a Size (3 doubles) and optional position angle element Java class for size3Type complex type.
SkyIndexType This is a hook for regions defined in sky indexing schemes Java class for skyIndexType complex type.
SmallCircleType smallCircleType indicates in polygons that side is along small circle; with optional pole Java class for smallCircleType complex type.
SpaceFrameType A spatial coordinate frame consists of a coordinate frame, a reference position, a flavor, and, optionally, an offset center Java class for spaceFrameType complex type.
SpaceRefFrameType Abstract space reference frame type Java class for spaceRefFrameType complex type.
SpatialIntervalType Abstract spatial interval type Java class for spatialIntervalType complex type.
SpectralCoordinateType Spectral coordinate type Java class for spectralCoordinateType complex type.
SpectralFrameType Contains the spectral frame reference position Java class for spectralFrameType complex type.
SpectralIntervalType Contains a 1-D spectral interval Java class for spectralIntervalType complex type.
SphereType Defines a sphere.
SphericalRefFrameType A custom space reference frame type defined through pole and X-axis directions Java class for sphericalRefFrameType complex type.
StcBaseType STC standard base type.
STCCoordinate Type for STC Coordinate Java class for STCCoordinate complex type.
STCCoordinateList Type for STC Coordinate List Java class for STCCoordinateList complex type.
StcDescriptionType Generalized single stcMetadata type Java class for stcDescriptionType complex type.
StcMetadataType Abstract stcMetadata type Java class for stcMetadataType complex type.
STCRegion Type for STC Region Java class for STCRegion complex type.
STCRegionList Type for STC Region list Java class for STCRegionList complex type.
StdRefPosType Type for standard reference positions Java class for stdRefPosType complex type.
StringCoordinateType Generic string coordinate type Java class for stringCoordinateType complex type.
TimeCoordinateType Single Error, Resolution, Size, PixSize elements indicate definite values; pairs indicate ranges Java class for timeCoordinateType complex type.
TimeFrameType The time reference frame consists of a timescale, a reference position, and optionally a reference direction (needed when transformations have been applied) Java class for timeFrameType complex type.
TimeIntervalType The time interval needs to contain a start time or a stop time or both; it needs to refer to a coordinate system; boundaries may or may not be inclusive Java class for timeIntervalType complex type.
TimeOffsetType Actual elapsed time offset Java class for timeOffsetType complex type.
UCoord2VecIntervalType 2-D coordinate interval type with units and frame_id Java class for uCoord2VecIntervalType complex type.
UCoord3VecIntervalType 3-D coordinate interval type with units and frame_id Java class for uCoord3VecIntervalType complex type.
UCoordScalarIntervalType Scalar coordinate interval type with units and frame_id Java class for uCoordScalarIntervalType complex type.
UnionType The union of two or more regions is a region Java class for unionType complex type.
Vector2CoordinateType Single CError2, CResolution2, CSize2, CPixSize2 elements indicate definite values; pairs indicate ranges Java class for vector2CoordinateType complex type.
Vector3CoordinateType Single CError3, CResolution3, CSize3, CPixSize3 elements indicate definite values; pairs indicate ranges Java class for vector3CoordinateType complex type.
Vel2VecIntervalType 2-D coordinate interval type Java class for vel2VecIntervalType complex type.
Vel3VecIntervalType 3-D coordinate interval type Java class for vel3VecIntervalType complex type.
VelocityIntervalType Contains a spatial velocity CoordInterval Java class for velocityIntervalType complex type.
VelocitySphereType Defines a velocity sphere A special kind of area is a circle or sphere (in two or three dimensions), defined by a center position and a radius; the radius requires a unit Java class for velocitySphereType complex type.
VelScalarIntervalType Scalar coordinate interval type Java class for velScalarIntervalType complex type.
VelVector1CoordinateType Single Error, Resolution, Size, PixSize elements indicate definite values; pairs indicate ranges Java class for velVector1CoordinateType complex type.
VelVector2CoordinateType Single CError2, CResolution2, CSize2, CPixSize2 elements indicate definite values; pairs indicate ranges Java class for velVector2CoordinateType complex type.
VelVector3CoordinateType Single CError3, CResolution3, CSize3, CPixSize3 elements indicate definite values; pairs indicate ranges Java class for velVector3CoordinateType complex type.
VertexType Vertex is a position with optional SmallCircle element; the SmallCircle element indicates that the polygon side formed by that vertex and its predecessor vertex is a small circle, rather than a great circle; SmallCircle has no meaning in Cartesian coordinates Java class for vertexType complex type.

Enum Summary
AngleUnitType Java class for angleUnitType.
DopplerDefinitionType Java class for dopplerDefinitionType.
PlanetaryEphemType Java class for planetaryEphemType.
PosAngleReferenceType Java class for posAngleReferenceType.
RelocatableOriginType Java class for relocatableOriginType.
SpectralUnitType Java class for spectralUnitType.
TimeScaleType Java class for timeScaleType.
VelTimeUnitType Java class for velTimeUnitType.

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